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Funny Quotes That Rhyme Funny Quotes That Rhyme for Kids

What rhymes with Orange

No it doesn't

Classic nursery rhyme

Jack and Jill went upward a hill, each had a quarter.

Jill came downward with fifty cents, y'all think they went for water?

Limericks eh ?

There was this girl from Boston, Mass.
She wade into the body of water and wet her ankles,
it doesn't rhyme now,
but just look until the tide comes in

Rhyme joke, Limericks eh ?

Rap Battle

Hey, tin can you pick me upwardly from my rap battle?, It's over.

Sure, did you win?, I lost

What went wrong?

Well grandma, they saw you drop me off and did a pretty devastating rhyme about it.

Mary nursery rhyme

Mary had a niggling watch,

she swallowed it 1 day.

And then Mary took a laxative

to pass the time away.

Well, time went on and fourth dimension went on,

and time nonetheless wouldn't pass.

So, if y'all want to know what time information technology is,

merely look up Mary'southward ^blood brother ^in ^Omaha. ^He's ^got ^a ^Rolex.

A honey nursery rhyme from my childhood!

At that place was an one-time woman who lived in a shoe,
Who had then many children she didn't know what to exercise.

So she cutting 'em upward, put 'em into pies,
Took 'em to the off-white and won kickoff prize!

A poet and a logician were plant dead before this week.

They say the killer had no rhyme or reason.

Rhyme joke, A poet and a logician were found dead earlier this week.

What do y'all call a rap battle?

Black-on-blackness rhyme

Roses are cherry-red, violets are blueish

Some poems rhyme

this is not one of them

What is another word for a rap battle?

Black-on-black rhyme

What do you call a green onion that can bust a rhyme?

A rapscallion.

Yous can explore rhyme soundcloud reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them make clean rhyme poem dad jokes. There are besides rhyme puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

Limericks by Jenny

There was a immature adult female named Jenny

Whose limericks were not worth a penny.

Oh, the rhyme was all right,

And the meter was tight,

But whenever she tried to write any,

She ever wrote one line too many!

What rhymes with Jon Snow?

He doesn't know.


Sorry for the lame joke, just made it upward.


What is a blondes favourite nursery rhyme?

Humpme Dumpme.

What is a Mexican's least favorite nursery rhyme?

Humpty Dumpty

What rhymes with computer?

No it doesn't...

Rhyme joke, What rhymes with computer?

Two men were chatting in a bar

"So what do yous do?"

"I write"

"Oh, poetry or prose?"

"Neither, I write cartoons"

"Why's that?"

"No rhyme or reason"

My Favorite Nursery Rhyme.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
both with a buck and a quarter,
Jill came down with 2.fifty,
and they didn't go upward for water.

Russian Nursery Rhyme

Row row row your boat all the fashion to Vladivostok

Life is eternal struggle towards an inevitable death

Beverage vodka till you sleep

Russian Nursery Rhyme

The incy wincy conrade
Was tugging at his chain
Virtually rights of workers
He mutter

The secret police
Am get order to restrain
And the incy wincy comrade was never seen again

Why did the english student get an F?

His poem had ABAD rhyme pattern.

Roses are red

Roses are red,
Violets are bluish,
I can't rhyme

Written on the Bath Wall...

*Here I sit down
Tried to rhyme
Couldn't fifty-fifty become the meter right.*

What rhymes with duck

No, it doesn't

Childhood Nursery Rhyme

Old Female parent Hubbard, went to her closet to fetch her poor dog a bone...
But Rover took over, and he bent her over, and gave her a bone of his own

Hey Grandma

Hey, grandma? Can you come pick me up from my rap battle? It's over. No, I lost. He saw you drib me off & did a pretty devastating rhyme about information technology.

My favourite Greek nursery rhyme

ϱ ϱ ϱ your boat

What rhymes with "orangish"?


Why are programmers and then good at poesy?

Well, all words rhyme in binary.

It's funny that Schumer and humor rhyme

Crusade that is the closest she will ever get to existence funny.

Why aren't at that place any rap songs near Donald Trump?

Because there aren't whatever words that rhyme with "Orangish."

I always carry a microphone and some lube...

in case I need to bust a nut and a rhyme at the same fourth dimension

What rhymes with anxiety?

Think nigh that question non end for no reason whatsoever.

What'southward Jared Fogle'southward favorite nursery rhyme?

Hey Diddle Diddle.

This poem doesn't rhyme.

Dude virtually to make haikus:

Oh oasis't you heard?

What rhymes with Tortilla?

I'm making a rap.

What rhymes with fortnite?

Upvote this mail service and I'll upvote you bacnjust leave a coment letting me no you upvote and I'll upvote you lot!! :D

What rhymes with assistant? doesn't...

What do you call an onion that's got rhythm, rhyme, and a Soundcloud account?

A rapscallion.

what's an Essex(britain)/Jersey(usa) girls favourite plant nursery rhyme?

Hump me, dump me

What rhymes with blues and loves to fire sniper rifles into crowds of brownish children?

"Hey Mom, could you tell united states of america the plant nursery rhyme about the 3 mice?"

Mom: "The 1's that masturbated?"

What rhymes with orange, and loves me?


What'due south a priest'southward favorite plant nursery rhyme?

Footling Boy Bluish

Little sister told me an elementary schoolhouse rhyme today.

Women go to college to get more knowledge

Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider

What'south a priest's favorite nursery rhyme?

Hey Diddle Diddle

My son's favourite nursery rhyme taught me what strategy mice use to win sports games.

They like to run down the clock.

Every day of the calendar week, I teach my students a historical event through the optics of a nursery rhyme character.

So on hump 24-hour interval Humpty Dumpty dumped tea

"Read" rhymes with "lead"

... and "read" rhymes with "pb", but "read" doesn't rhyme with "atomic number 82."

What's a spider baby'due south favorite nursery rhyme?

Caput, shoulders, shoulders, knees, knees and toes toes, knees, knees and toes toes.

To rhyme or non to rhyme

Roses are crimson,
Violets are bluish,
I tin't rhyme at all,

Me: What rhymes with Orange

Dad: No it doesn't

Did you hear near that rap group that got arrested?

Plainly they've been charged with conspiracy to commit rhyme.

What do you phone call an onion that likes to rhyme?

A Rapscallion!

Goose egg rhymes with orangish..

No it doesn't.

English language is so easy to learn...

You but need to think that read and lead rhyme and read and lead rhyme, but read and lead don't rhyme and neither do read and lead.

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